... who has contributed nothing positive to any debate = When the other Right Wingnuts want the garbage spew they call on the "great one" as Hamity likes to call him- So just consider the source of that pearl and you know where that ignoramus is coming from- He is -shall we say-swine ..... LA Real Estate? Mario Lemieux Nhl Islanders ? Mario Lemieux Bashes NHL For Islanders-Penguins Brawl Aftermath. Hockey ? Australia Floods Damage An Already Stressed Great Barrier Reef ...
It really insults my modest intelligence to hear Fox's line up of ?impartial? star commentators like Carl Rowe, Glen Beck, Shawn Hamity, Bill O'Reilly, Brir Hume, etc, etc, incessantly droning on about the latest in liberal mess ... Maybe they were just inserting them into the feed that went into my hotel room. But that would mean that they were also adding them into my hotel room in London, and then probably just to my airplane seats both on the way to and from europe. ...